
Position: 87° 22.1' N, 63° 51' W, temperature - 33° C, air pressure 1022 hPa, wind 12 knots from the east. Ice drift 0.1 towards NNW. We started the small 800 W generator and run it for three hours. Went down to the old camp area, dug out one drum of gasoline and pulled it to the new camp. Checked the radiation flux instruments and cleaned all sensors. Run the small generator again, but it is unable to handle the load from charging the hovercraft batteries. The generator engine runs, but power is lost. This means we are permanently out of 230 V power, except what can be derived from a 500 Watt, 28 Volt DC to 230 Volt AC inverter. In practical terms it means; no melting of snow by electric heating, no use of the electrical oven for cooking, no electric heat on the compressor, no use of the heat gun and no outside lightening. The most serious issue is loss of heat on the compressor.