Daily Reports

The position of the hovercraft SABVABAA as of 1140 GMT 31. july 2015 is: 80 38.05' N, 13 34.90' W
on landfast sea ice ca. 1 km SE of the eastern tip of Krøyer's Holme.

7 hours drive to the edge of the landfast ice 3.1 nm south of Henrik Krøyers Holme.
Position: 80 36.50'N 13 24.07' W

28/7-2015: Position @ 0715 GMT: 80 53.68' N, 11 01.75' W
- 1 °C, 1022 hPa, wind 11 kts from WSW, icedrift 0,4 knot cycloid.

Position at 1705 GMT: 80 50.81' N, 10 57.93' W
Temp -2 °C, 1022 hPa, wind 10 knot from SSW, ice drift 0.8 knot 350 degrees.

26 juli 1430 GMT 80 45.47' N, 10 47.6' W,
+ 2 degree C, 1019 hPa, wind 3 knot from the SE, ice drift 0.3 knot in cucloid pattern.

25 juli 1400 GMT 80 43.14' N, 10 45.8' W,
0 degree C, 1015 hPa, 7 knot from NNW, ice drift 0.8 knot due west.