
Position: 84° 10.9' N, 18° 00' W, temperature - 14° C, air pressure 1030 hPa, wind 5 knots from the S. Sunshine from a clear sky all day. Ice drift 0.1 knot towards ESE. Audun went on skies to search for bathymetry buoy # 4 and # 5, but did not find any. Worked on the sparker buoy to look for shorted connections. Made a frame for mounting the camera and underwater light source in an effort to see of we may be able to get video of the life forms that make up the scattering layer in the upper 150 meter below the ice. Made a camera deployment to a weak consentration of scatterers at 30 meter depth. A few individuals can be seen passing through the field of view, but the resolution is insufficient. We
have to go for the bigger targets sometimes displayed in the results from the 50 kHz echogram.