
Position: 83° 50.0' N, 16° 12' W, temperature - 13° C, air pressure 1005 hPa, wind 12 knots from the ESE. A beautiful day. Replaced the full data storage on the weather station. The display on the replacement cartridge is blurred and unreadable. Battery voltage was 7.35 volt. Added two D-cells to get 10.3 volt out. Drove the hovercraft to the location of the displaced thermistor string. The mooring was separated from camp by a shear zone only a meter or two away and displaced over 150 meter to the east. From the first hole drilled, we could barely see something with the underwater camera that might be the string. After four holes, we had cross bearings and good photo documentation of an intact string. Recovery will be next week. Our remaining fuel is 1700 liter diesel, 2 drums of Jet A-1, and 1 drum of gasoline.