
Position: 83° 19.5' N, 15° 15.7' W. Ice drift 0.3 knot towards the SE. A glorious day. The AirMar weather station on the hovercraft went down. Made a CTD cast to 1000 meter depth. Went out on skis and on foot to bathymetry buoy #2 , 1.7 km out. The buoy was located in a 50 meter wide flat area surrounded by a maze of pressure ridges. We drilled a 15 cm diam. Inspection hole through 2.5 meter thick ice and checked with the underwater camera. The hydrophone cable was hooked and the hydrophone recovered by cutting the cable. From a look-out point on a high pressure ridge, we could clearly see two mountains in Trolle Land, Northeast Greenland about 110 km away. This was Wyckoff Bjerge at a bearing of 247 degrees and Kim Bjerge at a bearing of 238 degrees (Fig. ?). This was exciting! All equipment was returned to camp from the buoy site.