
Position: 83° 00.9' N, 13° 11' W, temperature - 1 °C, 1014 hPa, wind 18 knots from the W. Ice drift 0.35 knot to the SSE. White-out conditions. Checked the radiation flux instruments and the weather station. Made a CTD cast to 1000 m depth. Started to run a check of our ARGOS 96010 tracker buoys and coordinated with Chr. Michelsen Research, Bergen for reports. Audun transferred two drums of fuel to the hovercraft main tanks. Shipment of our storage container still at AWI, Bremerhaven is finally underway to Longyearbyen. Six Ivory gulls visited the camp at the same time. Audun made a repeat GPS measurement to determine the azimuth of the hovercraft which is now 260 degrees as compared to 241 degrees on 26 April.