
Position: 87 23.8' N, 169 45' E, temperature - 6 C, air pressure 1021 hPa, wind 10-14 knots from SE. Ice drift 0.3 knots towards ENE. Started cleaning up after the snow storm. Prepared and moved the hovercraft out of the hangar by using the winch. Pumped fuel from 3 fuel bladders into the long range tanks of the hovercraft, put the bladder on deck and moved to the vicinity of the hangar where the fuel was pumped back into the bladders. Moved 1 ton at a time. The parking stand inside the hangar had sunk and needed to be padded with more 2"x4". Also, the wall opening into the hangar had to be reinforced as two meters of wall was knocked over while docking the hovercraft in side wind. Removed ice from radiation instruments twice during the day.