
Position: 88 11.6' N, 179 50' W, temperature - 5 C, air pressure 992 hPa, wind 27-32 knots from E. Ice drift 0.5 knots towards northeast. The water level has risen another 20 cm during the last 24 hours, total change is 45 cm. Increases have been stepwise and during periods of high winds. Snow drifts have formed upwind from the ice hangar with two about 70 meter long ridges (crests at 1.5 m above the ice) on either side and enlarged earlier smaller accumulations. A rough conservative assessment of excess snow volume gives a figure of about 700 cubic meters which has a weight of about 200-250 tons. The area of visible water on the ice is elongated as the area covered by the snow ridges. Moved the generator one pallet higher.