
Position: 88 36' N, 176 15' E, temperature - 13 C, air pressure 1038 hPa, wind 3 knots from NNE. Ice drift 0.1 knots towards northnortheast . The 3000 m Kevlar line had so far only been hand spooled onto the take-up drum and left about 150 m of line which did not fit. We had to redo the job, but now with a small weight and all 3000 m in the water. The drum was originally designed to be laid down horizontally in deck to distribute weight, but we started off with using it in a vertical position as spooling became more convenient. This was a mistake because of the pressure exerted on the sides. As a result, it took the whole day to get the job done. Completed calibration down to 300 m depth of Ilker Fer's thermistor chain.