
Position: 88 39' N, 177 03' E, temperature - 16 C, air pressure 1041 hPa, wind 8 knots from NNW. Ice drift 0.2 knots towards NW. Prepared a small gravity corer for the first coring run to be made. We have so far during the whole 6 weeks on the ice been in water depths beyond the reach of our 3000 m long kevlar line. We passed the 3000 m contour by mid-day. At 1900 hours, the corer hit bottom in 2470 m water depth. It came up with only 5 cm of brown mud behind the core catcher - we must have hit something hard and the 3.5 kHz echo sounder showed a confused pattern of diffraction hyperbolae. All sensors on the weather station completely covered with rime - removed all. On the radiation flux instrumentation, the sun time sensor was covered with rime and IR sensor with snow - remove all.