
Position: 87 47.4' N, 177 01' E, temperature - 14 C, air pressure 1020 hPa, wind 6 knots from the NNE. Ice drift 0.2 knots towards NW. Lowered the dredge in 1383 meters of water - put out 2000 meter of line. Kept the dredge out until 1690 meter water depth ten hours later and recovered. The dredge was 1/3 full of brown mud and two fist sized rock specimens; one angular and one rounded. The Knudsen 3.5 kHz echo sounder signal disappeared in the morning. We can hear the trigger signal at all four transducers, but no power. Put in the 12 kHz transducer instead. The output signal also weakened after a while. Sounds like we have a short somewhere, but unable to locate exact spot in the electronics. Prepared a heated enclosure for the compressor.