
Position: 88 50' N, 177 21' E, temperature - 19 C, air pressure 1017 hPa, wind 4 knots from N. Ice drift 0.1 knot towards NNW. Minimum temperature during the night was .26 Centigrades. Started shooting seismic after preheating oil reservoir and compressor. The compressor is kept heated at all times and if we refill air at least every two hours the oil for the pump keeps sufficient temperature without preheating every time it is used. We have now descended the southern rim of the intra-ridge basin and are at the foot of slope. The water depth is about 2400 meter and the seismic signal has a sub-bottom penetration over 3 seconds. Audun discovered polar bear tracks near the camp; one adult and one or two cubs. They had wandered around by our fuel storage area, and ignored the food stored nearby probably frightened by the sound of the generator.