Position: 87 22.9' N, 161 41' E, temperature - 5 C, air pressure 1014 hPa, wind 10 knots from NNE. Worked all day cutting ice blocks and building the storage room. Hovercraft skirt segments were partly frozen in and had to be freed and strapped up.
Radiation instrument checked twice for icing and IR skin temperature sensor brought in for cleaning and mounted back again.

Position: 87 19.0' N, 161 49' E, temperature - 15 C, air pressure 1017 hPa, wind 5 knots from ENE. Sunshine from a cloud-free sky in the morning. After lunch, fog and white- out. The ice drift is 0.2 knots towards NE. Completed ice wall on port side. Started on ice walls for the storage room on starboard side. Visited the weather station and the rad-flux instruments three times during the day to remove hoar frost from the sensors. Audun turned 42 years today. The event was celebrated with rump steak for dinner followed apple cake at coffee/tea.

Position: 87 16.9' N, 160 13' E, temperature - 6 C, air pressure 1019 hPa, wind 1 knot from SSW, fog. Completed the front ice wall and half of the forward wall on the port side. Visited the weather station and the rad-flux instruments twice during the day to remove hoar frost from the sensors.

Position: 87 19.0' N, 159 21' E, temperature - 10 C, air pressure 1007 hPa, wind 5 knots from SSW. Completed the long ice wall and three layers on the front wall. The 3.5 kHz signal weakened and "disappeared" about midnight and came in strong about noon. We must have passed a basement peak protruding out of the Makarov abyssal plan - a feature not shown on the IBCAO map.

Position: 87 21.7' N, 158 11' E, temperature - 4 C, air pressure 999 hPa, wind 11 knots from W. Overcast and white-out. Cleared later in the day and temperature fell to - 13 C. The hovercraft is tilting 2 degrees forward from melting of the ice below the cabin part of the hull. Started the engine and put the craft on the columns in order to position reinforced pallets as far forward and towards the rear as possible. Started work on long ice wall on starboard side.

Position: 87 21.3' N, 157 18' E, temperature - 6 C, air pressure 1002 hPa, wind 8 knots from SE. Drifting due west at 0.2 knots. We are 7 nm from foot of slope of Lomonosov Ridge, water depth 4000 meters. The sun has been breaking through the clouds all day. Completed aft ice wall on the port side.

Position: 87 21.1' N, 155 10' E, temperature - 9 C, air pressure 1001 hPa, wind 2 knots from WSW. Overcast and white-out. Wind increased to 15 knots during the morning with blowing snow. At midnight, we passed the position where Polarstern dropped us off 9 days ago. Ice walls for the geological sampling area completed. Put out extension cable to rad-flux instrument so the battery is charged every time the generator is run.

Position: 87 22.6' N, 154 43' E, temperature - 8 C, air pressure 1002 hPa, wind 15 knots from W. Winds calmed down and clear skies from noon - a beautiful day in the afternoon. Worked all day cutting ice blocks and building the forward wall next to the hydro hole. Have drifted 6 nm south during last 24 hours.