Position: 87 27.7' N, 152 56.6' E, temperature - 10 C, air pressure 999 hPa, wind 15 knots from W, light snow, water depth 3.800 meter. Our prospective area for geological sampling is to the north and since we are now drifting south, priority is given to work on the ice hangar, particularly the section associated with the work area for sediment coring.

Position: 87 26.6' N, 155 50' E, temperature - 7 C, air pressure 1007 hPa, wind 19 knots from NNE. Ice drift 0.3 knots towards WNW. At lunch time all of a sudden the sky cleared and we saw the mighty sun from an almost clear sky. This was time for action; all five autonomous echo sounder buoys were deployed within a 6 km radius from the camp on behalf of Blodgett-Hall Polar Presence, the owner of the hovercraft. They will ping every six hours until the end of the FRAM-2014/15 and report the received bottom echo via Iridium to WHOI.

Position: 87 23.9' N, 155 48.7' E, temperature - 4 C, air pressure 1019 hPa, wind 5 knots from ESE. White-out all day except for 1.5 hours of useable visibility. Discovered extensive melting under the hull of the hovercraft. Put the craft on pallets to get some distance from the ice surface. Initialized logging at the weather station and the radiation instruments at 0820 GMT. Tests of autonomous echo sounder buoys finalized.

Position: 87 21.7 N, 156 36' E, temperature -7 C, air pressure 1024 hPa, wind 12 knots from the East. The drift was 3.6 nautical miles towards NW during the last 24 hours. White- out all day. Deployed the weather station on behalf of Geophysical Institute, Univ. of Bergen and the instruments for incoming and outgoing radiation on behalf of Meteorological Institute. Prepared a hole in the ice for the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP).

Position: 87 20.0' N, 157 04' E, temperature -5 C, air pressure 1025 hPa, wind 10 knots from NNW. Measured up and marked 2000 m Kevlar line and deployed a current meter (10909) suspended from the ice at 2000 m depth and another current meter (12313) at 800 meter depth on behalf of Geophysical Institute, Univ. of Bergen.

Position: 87 21.9' N, 158 12.7' E, temperature -4 C, air pressure 1019 hPa, wind 15 knots from NNW. White-out all day. Put up work tent and made a hydro hole for work. Started testing of autonomous buoys at instructions from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA (WHOI)

Position: 87 24.3' N, 158 23.5' E, temperature -1 C, air pressure 1014 hPa, wind 8 knots from NNE. White-out, but good visibility for six hours during the late evening. Worked on organizing the camp

Position: 87 22' N, 158 10' E , temperature -1 C, air pressure 1010 hPa, white-out conditions except for two hours in the evening. Measured up 3000 m of Kevlar line, marked every 100 meter and spooled on the drum. Organized the camp.