Position: 84° 48.8' N, 21° 42' W, temperature - 15° C, air pressure 1040 hPa, wind 28 knots from the W. Ice drift 0.4 knot towards SE. hooting seismic reflection all day. One short sediment core recovered from 1.630 meter water depth. The camera sled at the bottom from 1730 to 2030 hours. Put an eight kilo weight on the Kevlar to weigh it down and prevent the sled to lift off bottom. One bluish fish observed.

Position: 84° 52.3' N, 22° 26' W, temperature - 14° C, pressure 1039 hPa, wind 23 knots from the NW. Ice drift 0.4 knot towards ESE. Shooting seismic reflection all day. Recovered on short sediment core from 1.750 m water depth. Moved the radiation flux-instrument mast 20 meter towards the weather station because the large snow drift behind our work space was approaching the site.The weather has improved slightly so Audun removed the outside day tank for heating fuel for inspection. The fuel outlet had ice up. Cleaned the tank and we were back to normal.

Position: 85° 00.5' N, 23° 32' W, temperature - 20° C, air pressure 1029 hPa, wind 24 knots from the NW. Ice drift 0.4 knot towards the SE. Shooting seismic reflection measurements all day. Recovered two short sediment cores in 1.160 and 1.700 meter water depth, respectively. The camera sled at the bottom 1415- 1700 hours.

Position: 85° 07.8' N, 24° 22' W, temperature - 22° C, 1016 hPa, wind 18 knots from the W. Ice drift 0.4 knots to the ESE. White-out all day. Shooting seismic reflection measurements. Camera sled at the bottom 1845-2130 hours. Side drag in the kevlar line during the fast drift cause the sled to lift off bottom.

Position: 85° 12.5' N, 26° 10' W, temperature - 19° C, 1010 hPa, wind 25-30 knot knots from the SW. Ice drift 0.5 knot towards E. Shooting seismic reflection all day. Recovered one short sediment core in 1.340 meter water depth and made one camera sled deployment in 1.430 meter water depth. Observed two large fishes in the video from the seabed.

Position: 85° 14.5' N, 27° 25' W, temperature - 22° C, 1009 hPa, wind 26 knots from the W. Ice drift 0.4 knot towards E . Shooting seismic reflection all day. Audun changed memory card and battery on the radiation flux instrument. Battery was 12.2 volt, but only data for 21-24 March on the card. The stoves in the cabin went out before noon, and the temperature fell to below +10°. The problem was a valve in the the primer pump. Had to improvise a temporary solution with a 20 liter diesel tank inside.

Position: 85° 21.2' air pressure 993 hPa,N, 30° 14' W, temperature - 15° C, wind 30-45 knots from the NW. Gusts to over 50 knots during the night. Ice drift 0.8 knot due E. The wind came down to 20-25 knot at noon. Started seismic shooting at 2200 hours.

Position: 85° 20.9' N, 33° 35' W, temperature - 20° C, ir pressure 995 hPa, wind 22 knots from the NW. Ice drift 0.4 knot towards E. The low pressure has arrived and we have a

Position: 85° 19.7' N, 35° 54' W, temperature - 23° C, pressure 994 hPa, wind 13 knots from the SW. Ice drift 0.5 knot towards E. Worked on the hydro hole to get the final break through at the bottom. The ice thickness is 1.8 meter. Also repaired the hydrophone cable - the first 6 meter of wire was broken several places and is not fit for the low temperature. The 333 Squadron has kindly made available video footage of the FRAM-2014/15 camp area to John K. Hall.

Position: 85° 20.1' N, 37° 13' W, temperature - 12° C, air pressure 988 hPa, wind 5 knots from the NW.White-out all day. Ice drift 0.5 knot towards NW. We have moved 6.5 nautical miles to the NW during the night. Checked the radiation flux instruments and removed snow from the IR (up) sensor. A warm spell is here and we worked all day removing c. 2 cm thick layer of ice from the outer walls of the flotation tanks inside the cabin. Refilled some antifreeze and the radiator leak seem to be contained.