Position: 83° 42.7' N, 15° 48' W, temperature - 10° C, 1016 hPa, wind 10 knots from the NW. Ice drift 0.2 towards SE. Drove the hovercraft out to the site of the thermistor string mooring. Found the top of the mooring under an ice block at the edge of the pressure ridge. Drillen an access hole 40 cm away and hooked on to the string and pulled it up. Got everything up on the ice except thermistor # 1. Drove back to camp for the night.

Position: 83° 47.7' N, 16° 08' W, , temperature - 12° C, air pressure 1013 hPa, wind 13 knots from the WSW. Ice drift 0.3 knot to the SE. Poor visibility in the morning, but clear sky most of the day. Made a CTD cast down to 1000 meter.

Position: 83° 50.0' N, 16° 12' W, temperature - 13° C, air pressure 1005 hPa, wind 12 knots from the ESE. A beautiful day. Replaced the full data storage on the weather station. The display on the replacement cartridge is blurred and unreadable. Battery voltage was 7.35 volt. Added two D-cells to get 10.3 volt out. Drove the hovercraft to the location of the displaced thermistor string. The mooring was separated from camp by a shear zone only a meter or two away and displaced over 150 meter to the east.

Position: 83° 50.9' N, 16° 06' W, temperature - 7° C, pressure 1019 hPa, wind 5 knots from the NW. Drove over to the current meter site and continued the search. The current meter suspended at 800 meter depth is lost. Moved over to the ADCP mooring. Drilled a hole 7 meter from the mooring, but did not reach through. Made it through 2 m. thick ice 10 meter away. Lowered the camera, but no sign of an instrument. This is in a pressure ridge and even if we could spot the ADCP, we probably would not have been able to recover it. Moved the last

Position: 83° 51.7' N, 16° 14.4' W, temperature - 11° C, air pressure 1019 hPa, wind 4 knots from the NW. Clear sky - a beautiful day. Ice drift 0.1 knot towards the SE. We loaded the hovercraft and drove over to the current meter mooring. Drilled all together five holes and inspected the underside of the ice with the underwater camera. Much to our surprise, there was no trace of the kevlar line coming out of the ice. Returned to camp.

Position: 83° 52.7' N, 16° 25' W, temperature - 11° C, 1021 hPa, wind 11 knots from the SW. Ice drift 0.2 knots to the SE. Beautiful weather all day, but reduced visibility in the late evening. Made a CTD cast down to 1000 meter. Audun made a ski trip and recovered bathymetry buoy #1 from 4.3 km out. He also spotted two Ivory gulls on the way. Washed part of the superstructure that had deposits from the stove pipe accumulated through the winter. Also cleaned the deck around the compressor.

Position: 83° 58.2' N, 16° 37' W, temperature - 14° C, 1016 hPa, wind 15 knot knots from the NW. Ice drift 0.3 knot towards the S. The camera was lowered to 22 meter. The field of view was straight downwards, but did not capture any life in the two hours of recording. Made a CTD cast down to 1000 meter depth.

Position: 84° 01.5' N, 16° 40' W, temperature - 8° C, 1014 hPa, wind 3 knots from the SW. Ice drift 0.2 towards SE. Put up a 12 hour time-lapse of the echo sounder screen. Checked the radiation flux instrument. Removed the cover and insulation mats from the hovercraft superstructure, and mobilized the craft for departure. Just after getting off the parking ramp a loud rattling noise was heard. The starboard brace which hold the propeller duct had come loose and the threads of the adjusting eye-bolt had been pulled out. Propeller blades were hitting the duct at the top inside.

Position: 84° 04.1' N, 17° 20' W, , temperature - 12° C, air pressure 1016 hPa, wind 16 knots from the WSW. Ice drift 0.3 knot to the SE. Poor visibility before lunch, improved later. Deployed the camera at 36 meter depth for 2.5 hours, but no good images obtained. Completed transfer of the seismic log to an Exel sheet.

Position: 84° 08.8' N, 18° 07' W, temperature - 14° C, air pressure 1015 hPa, wind 17 knots from the N. Poor visibility all day. Ice drift 0.3 knot towards SE. Mounted new lights on the camera rig. Made tests of time-lapse photography of the echo sounder screen. Continued transferred of the sesmic log to an Exel-sheet.