25 juli 1400 GMT 80 43.14' N, 10 45.8' W,
0 degree C, 1015 hPa, 7 knot from NNW, ice drift 0.8 knot due west.

The sea ice condition around FRAM 2014-15 from Sentinel-1 image of the 27 July at 8:25. The icedrift displacement for the last 15 hours is indicated - about 3.75 kilometer in North-east diction around Fram 2014-15. Fram 2014-15 and the camp at 08:20 are demarcated.

Position at 1600 GMT: 80 48.08' N, 09 58.78' W
Ice drift : 0.4 knot 280 degrees.
Winds 28 knot from NNE.

Position 0900 GMT 8051.3' N, 09 26.5' W.

We have 25 knot wind from the North and are drifting at 0.9 knot 175 degrees. It is overcast and snowstorm.

Position at 1100 GMT - 81 03.7' N, 09 17.0' W
icedrift 0.8 knots 207 degrees.

The sea ice condition around FRAM 2014-15 from Landsat image of the 23 July at 15:38. The location of Fram 2014-15 and the camp are demarcated.

Position 1720 GMT 81 18.71' N 09 32.7' W
Ice drift 0.45 knot 140 degrees