The sea ice condition around FRAM 2014-15 from Sentinel-1 image of the 20 July at 8:34. The icedrift displacement the from last 16 hours is indicated - about 8 kilometer in southeasterly direction. Fram 2014-15 at 6:40 are demarcated.
The sea ice condition around FRAM 2014-15. The icedrift displacement the last 24 hours is about 6 kilometer in packed ice and 15 Km in the open ice towards Greenland in southeasterly direction. The Fram 2014-15 location at 14:45 are demarcated.
The sea ice condition around FRAM 2014-15. The icedrift displacement the last 24 hours is indicated - about 4.5 kilometer in southwesterly direction. The Bathymetry buoy at 16:00 and Fram 2014-15 are demarcated.