The position of the hovercraft is: 81 47.81' N, 11 02.79' W at 1000 GMT.

The sea ice condition around FRAM 2014-15. The icedrift displacement the last 24 hours is indicated - about 5.75 kilometer in southwesterly direction.

Position at 1500 CEST: 81 51.27' N 11 10.8' W

Icedrift 0.2 kts, 175 degrees

The sea ice condition around FRAM 2014-15. The icedrift displacement the last 24 hours is indicated - about 7.5 kilometer in southwesterly direction.

FRAM 2014-15 drift trajectory during the last three days in the Marginal Ice Zone superimposed on a Landsat image from July 14th. Close up image of the ice floe and the position of one of the Argos beacons. Courtesy: M. Babiker, NERSC.

The European Sentinel-1 Earth observation satellite covered the location of the FRAM 2014-15 expedition on 13. July.

The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image has a resolution of 80 meter and superimposed is the drift trajectories of Sabvabaa during the last two days.

The FRAM 2014-15 expedition was provided new supplies from the 333rd Squadron Orion C P3 air drop on April 10th.
This spectacular movie from the air drop is provided by with Copyright to the Royal Norwegian Airforce, Maritime Air Support Center (MASC) 333 Squadron, Andøya.

1. FRAM-2014/15 objectives

The objectives of FRAM-2014/15 are two-fold; firstly science which builds on three international workshops (since 2008) on Arctic Ocean challenges in paleoclimate research, and secondly on testing new ice station logistics where the keywords are new technology, mobility and low operating costs.
The FRAM-2014/15 scientific objectives are to provide documentation for the past and present Arctic Ocean environment by acquiring new scientific data within the following disciplines:


Exploring the Arctic Ocean environment - the Arctic ice drift station FRAM-2014/15

by Yngve Kristoffersen and Audun Tholfsen
