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Weekly Reports

FRAM-2014/15: Week forty-nine of ice drift

(03 Aug. - 09 Aug. 2015)

New web-site: for updates
See the web-site: for the Russian ice drift station North Pole - 2015

FRAM-2014/15: Week forty-seven and forty-eight of ice drift

(20 July - 2 Aug.2015)
New web-site: for updates
See the web-site: for the Russian ice drift station North Pole - 2015

Week forty-two of ice drift

Week forty-two of ice drift (15- 21 June 2015)

Week forty one of ice drift

Week forty one of ice drift (08- 15 June 2015)

Week forty of ice drift

Camp site 8 June 2015

Week forty of ice drift (01 - 08 June 2015)
